Finding your Best Location

Finding your Best Location


Location is one of the biggest factors to directly affect your business.  A thoroughly researched market analysis can help you to make a well informed decision regarding a move.  Here are some factors covered in a market analysis:

  • Demographics. Where is your target market?  A demographics report will show where your target market’s population density in specific locations.  Being close to your market can bring in a significant amount of revenue.
  • Competition. Tell me who your major competitors are and I’ll make sure they are far away from your place of business.
  • Traffic counts. Do you need high traffic areas where people can see your sign?  Would your employees rather not fight heavy traffic on their coffee runs?  A traffic count will give you an accurate assessment of the roads near your desired locations.
  • Compare rates. How much extra would a space in that beautiful Main Street building cost?  Different lease rates in desired locations will give you helpful price comparison information to help you decide on your location.


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5 Tips to Finding your Perfect Space

  • Identify business needs
  • Buy versus lease
  • Specific industry considerations
  • Planning and critical thinking
  • Finding a commercial real estate agent

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